28th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL 2020) November 3-6, 2020 Seattle, Washington, USA
Call for Tutorials
The 28th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL 2020) invites submissions for Tutorial Proposals on all topics listed in the Call for Papers of the conference. Proposals must provide an in-depth and contemporary survey of the chosen area, covering a broad corpus of the related literature, stimulating and facilitating future work. Tutorials on interdisciplinary directions, bridging scientific research and applied communities, as well as novel and fast-growing directions are highly encouraged. While presenters have the option of describing exemplar pieces of work in detail, they should not focus excessively and/or exclusively on their own contributions. Each accepted tutorial is expected to jump-start non-experts, equipping them with the crucial knowledge required to commence research on the topic. Evaluation criteria include relevance, scientific quality, and perceived interest.
Tutorial proposals should be no more than four pages and should strictly follow the same format as that of the SIGSPATIAL research papers. The intended length of the tutorial is 1.5 hours. The proposal should identify any other venues in which all or part of the tutorial has been or will be presented, and explain how the proposed tutorial for SIGSPATIAL 2020 differs. Tutorial proposals must also clearly identify the intended audience and any prerequisite knowledge for attendees.
The logistics of the tutorials (A/V equipment, catering, registration, etc.) will be handled by the SIGSPATIAL 2020 organization committee. For each accepted tutorial, at least one author is required to register, attend and present the tutorial at the conference.
Submission Guidelines
Proposals must include the following sections in order:
- Title: The proposed tutorial title
- Presenters: Names, affiliations and email addresses of the authors/presenters
- Abstract: The proposed tutorial abstract
- Introduction: An introduction including motivation, scope, and summary of the tutorial, along with a description of relevance to SIGSPATIAL 2020 research topics and the target audience (with assumed background)
- Outline: An outline detailing the scope and depth of coverage of the targeted topics (including section, subsection and subsubsection headers, and an overview of their contents)
- Related Tutorials: Identify topically related tutorials by other people in major data-centric research venues in recent years
- Prior Tutorials: If an earlier version of the tutorial has been presented elsewhere by the same presenters, the proposal should indicate those respective events (and dates), and how the current proposal differs from other editions of the tutorial
- Biographies: A short biography of the proposed presenter(s) with a note on their background in the area of the tutorial
- References: Include at least 10 primary and relevant bibliographic references on the core material of the tutorial
Tutorial proposals must be submitted as a PDF attachment to the following email addresses: haibo.hu@polyu.edu.hk and farnoush.banaei-kashani@ucdenver.edu. The received submissions will be acknowledged via email.
Camera-Ready Guidelines
Tutorial presentation slides will be made available to SIGSPATIAL 2020 participants and will be published on the conference website. In addition, a four- page extended abstract will appear in the Proceedings of SIGSPATIAL 2020. The extended abstract should be an updated version of the original tutorial proposal, addressing suggestions from the tutorial chairs and possibly other reviewers. The tutorial presentation slides will be uploaded as supplementary material to the ACM Digital Library (linked to the tutorial description) after the tutorial.
Authors must agree to standard ACM copyright releases for their tutorial extended abstract as well as slides. Authors will retain the rights to reuse all their material in any form.
Important Dates
Proposal Submission Deadline: August 14, 2020 (11:59pm PDT)
Acceptance Notification: August 21, 2020
Camera-Ready Deadline: September 4, 2020 (11:59pm PDT)
Tutorial: November 3-6, 2020
Tutorial Co-Chairs
- Farnoush Banaei-Kashani, University of Colorado Denver, USA
- Haibo Hu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong